Chief Executive Officer
Mr Hewett Benson
Hewett Benson leads Royal Exchange Plc. as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and brings his wealth of experience of over 30 years in project development & transaction financing.
Hewett has distinguished himself in both the public & private sectors in an executive capacity at various institutions. He was an integral member of the team that set-up Nigeria’s debt resolution vehicle, the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria, in 2010 to stem the systemic risk to the banking sector of spiraling nonperforming loan. He anchored AMCON raising multiple rounds of debt issuance with total amount of N5.7 trillion, and managed assets under management in excess of N360 billion.
More recently at 3V Partners, Hewett spearheaded capital raising efforts for the $2.3 billion Red Line Metro Rail project. Key milestone achievements were obtaining an unheralded committed financial interest in the Red Line project from Euler Hermes to favourably consider sub-national (Lagos State) guarantee for international credit insurance. This paved the way for KfW to finance Siemens to supply rolling stock for the project. He also obtained the services of a train operator, Deutche Bahn.
Has a first-class honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College, U.K., a master’s degree in Aeronautics & Astronautics from M.I.T., and a certificate in postgraduate studies from University of Cambridge, UK.